
Apliclor promotes solutions to mitigate the effects of climate change.

In our work philosophy, based on ISO 14001, we are very aware of respect for the environment, sustainability and the application of the 3Rs (Reuse, Reduce and Recycle).

For more than 20 years, we have been working to minimise our environmental impact. For this reason, we have implemented, among other measures, the SDDR and SIG systems, with which we manage our packaging and promote a circular economy with our customers.

Now, with the recent installation of photovoltaic solar panels, we have gone a step further and have incorporated renewable energy into our company. This is an important step, as it helps us to harness solar energy, save electricity and reduce our carbon footprint.

The portion of solar energy that we generate, which is much more affordable, cleaner and non-polluting, allows us to optimise self-consumption, while at the same time promoting much more responsible production and consumption, in line with our sustainable development objectives.

The installation, with a total of 430 m2, covers the entire roof of one of our buildings. It consists of 74 photovoltaic solar panels of 47 kW-peak, connected to the internal network and with export of surpluses.


Placas solares fotovoltaicas


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